Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers: Truly Magical!

I am dedicating my first post in this blog to the Magic Eraser, love it! If I had to choose just ONE items to clean with for the rest of my life it would be the Magic Eraser.  I recommended one to a client last week, she had never even hear of them.  I was flabbergasted!  I don't understand why there isn't a Magic Eraser in every home in America.  Even if it just for an emergency stain situation. They can clean anything, seriously! I use them on walls and it won't hurt the paint.  They remove grease with no effort and the worst soap scrum with no chemicals. It can even clean up permanent marker.  I use them at home and at every job, in almost every room. I have a couple quick tricks I want you know to make your Magic Easer experience more magical:
  • Don't get the eraser super wet.  Just spray it so it's damp.  They will last longer and not "shread" so fast.
  • Cut the erasers in half.  You don't need more than that at a time. Plus, savin' ,money!
  • Wipe away the water left behind with a paper towel.  It keeps the eraser from leaving streaks behind.
 Check out the link below for even more ideas.

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers: Creative Uses For These Household Cleaning Blocks That Truly Work Magic!

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